The Use of Technology in Educational Teaching

The Use of Technology in Educational Teaching
Murati, Rabije; Ceka, Ardita
Journal of Education and Practice, v8 n6 p197-199 2017
Today, Information and communication technology has become a way of life in which children are drawn. Today's children are beginning to use digital tools at a very young age, so that the school should respond to the needs of students. Also today it is impossible for any profession performs without the help of information technology. The computer and the Internet gives us endless possibilities and resources in improving the quality of work. Even in education, computer skills and additional equipment are needed, because they create great opportunities for teachers and inspire curiosity, imagination and interest of students.Teachers should not oppose change, but they should use new technology for better quality teaching and make it more interesting. The use of technology will positively improve results faculty and students. Teachers must carefully plan the use and integration of technology in teaching. How to integrate technology into teaching mainly depends on how many computers has at its disposal.
IISTE. No 1 Central, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong SAR. Tel: +852-39485948; e-mail:; Web site:
Publication Type: Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative
Education Level: N/A
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: N/A

Using Educational Technology in Applications as Element of Teaching for Special Disciplines
Neupokoeva, Elena E.; Chapaev, Nikolay K.; Akimova, Olga B.; Shcherbin, Matthew D.; Borovikov, Evgenij A.
International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, v11 n16 p8858-8872 2016
The relevance of research problem due to high growth of information technologies roles in industrial activity and low level of teachers professionalism in topics related with information technology. Purpose of article is to show main components of a learning technology aimed at improving level teachers skills to solve didactic problems associated with computer technologies and issues in field of IT private industry. Main strategy to resolve of this problem are: system and activity approach, which allow model a structure activities of future specialist and activity model which required for learning technologies working with application programs (AP); hermeneutic approach which allows to establish a system of semantic interpretation of the conceptual apparatus of the user interface taking into account the level of users' perception on different levels of using of applied programs; integrative approach which establish a single semantic component for group of disciplines related to information technologies, allowing to optimize learning process inside framework of application software that underlies this technology. In article presents main components of a learning technology, which works with application software: diagram of activities, which works with PC in office, methods of formation of conceptual apparatus in the field of creation of AP algorithms, minimizing of users algorithms. Article will be useful for IT teachers, which implement program of preparation of bachelors of vocational training (by industry), as well as business coaches, which will be create a instructional card for user training.
LOOK Academic Publishers. Knobbelzwaansingel 211 Den Haag 2496LN, Netherlands. Tel: 31-20-217-0912; e-mail:; Web site:
Publication Type: Journal Articles; Reports - Research
Education Level: Higher Education; Postsecondary Education
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: N/A
Identifiers - Location: Russia

Challenges for Educational Technologists in the 21st Century
Mayes, Robin; Natividad, Gloria; Spector, J. Michael
Education Sciences, v5 n3 p221-237 Sep 2015
In 1972, Edsger Dijkstra claimed that computers had only introduced the new problem of learning to use them effectively. This is especially true in 2015 with regard to powerful new educational technologies. This article describes the challenges that 21st century educational technologists are, and will be, addressing as they undertake the effective integration of new technologies into K-12 educational systems and learning environments. The expanding Internet, ever more powerful mobile devices, and other innovations make the task of designing effective formal and informal learning challenging, especially in light of the high rate of change in these new technologies. While these technologies introduce many benefits, they are also causing serious threats to system security and personal privacy. Furthermore, as these technologies continue to evolve, ethical issues such as equal access to resources become imperative. Educational technologists must expand their forward-thinking leadership and planning competencies so as to ensure effective use of new technologies.
MDPI AG. Klybeckstrasse 64, 4057 Basel, Switzerland. Tel: e-mail:; Web site:
Publication Type: Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive
Education Level: Elementary Secondary Education
Audience: N/A
Language: English
Sponsor: N/A
Authoring Institution: N/A



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